Inadmissibility of set-off by the national association of statutory health insurance physicians against outstanding claims for medical fees in line with § 96, par. 1, No. 1 (German) Insolvency Act, MedR, p. 29 et seqq, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
Selected problems of the medical practice in economic crisis and insolvency, ZMGR 06/2011, p. 364ff. , Dr. Christiane van Zwoll
Business-immigration to Germany - (Magazine Business) No. 1/2012. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
How can you prevent EHEC? - Food traceability. - (Magazine Business) No. 10/2011. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
Import of foods from other countries - (Magazine Business) No. 6-7/2011. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
Overindebtedness - What does that mean? - (Magazine Business) No. 5(84)/2011, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
The CEO of a GmbH - responsablity and liability! -To what the CEO of a GmbH has to pay attention to - (Magazine Business) No. 4/2011. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
“Is my GmbH menanced by insolvency? How to recognise alarm signals in time!“, Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 7/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
“Foundation of an enterprise and residence permit for Germany“, Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 6/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
“Real estate and residence permit for Germany” Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 5/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"Purchase of Real Estate and Residence Permit", Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 2/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"1 € - GmbH" - the Law Came into Effect", Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 1/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"Reformation of OOO(GmbH) - New Times for Founders!", Germany Contact 6/2008, Dr. van Zwoll
"New Times for Founders OOO", Русская Германия, No 50/651, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"European Residence Permit", Рейнская Газета, No 49/255, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
"European Residence Permit", Русская Германия, No 49/650, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
"Give Birth to Children? For Money only!", Русская Германия, No 48/649, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
"Give Birth to Children? For Money only!", Рейнская Газета No 48/254, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
"...The Command of the Language is a Must", Русская Германия, No 47/648, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
"...The Command of the Language is a Must", Рейнская Газета No 47/253, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
"Heating Costs - What are we Paying For?", Русская Германия, No 46/647, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"Heating Costs - What are we Paying For", Рейнская Газета No 46/252, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"We Can't be Fired", Русская Германия, No 45/646, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"We Can't be Fired", Рейнская Газета No 45/251, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"Modification of the GmbH – New Times for Founders", Impuls 05/2008, Dr. van Zwoll
"Contractual Agreements: Chances and Risks", Рейнское время , No 11/51, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
"Insolvency – for Medical Practitioners, there are Ways Out of the Debt Trap", Ärzte Zeitung, 27 May 2008 (Interview)
"The Extrajudicial Insolvency Plan ", ZInsO 2008, pp 418
"Avoiding the Bailiff’s Seal ", Deutsches Ärzteblatt, September 2007, p 6
"Nothing Doing, No Joy ", DER LION 9/2007, pp 34
"Insolvency – The Sword of Damocles ", VentureCapital Magazin 7/2007, pp 38
"Insolvency of Doctor’s Practice Avoided by Professional Help ", Ärztliche Praxis, June 2007, p 18 (Interview)
Interview on the airport court ruling of the Düsseldorf District Court, in the ARD program "Brisant", 8 June 2007
Die Arztpraxis in Krise und Insolvenz/ [The Doctor’s Practice During Crises and Insolvency], by Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Vera Mai/ Prof. Dr. Bernd Eckardt/ Dr. Martin Rehborn, 1st ed.. 2007, RWS Verlag
"How Doctors Stay Safe from Insolvency ", Meditimes, June 2006, pp 24 (Interview)
"Non-solvency of the GmbH", GmbH-Chef, 2006, pp 16
Tax Advising During a Crisis in a GmbH/ by Prof. Bernd Eckardt/ Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Jan Anger/ Sebastian Harder, 1st ed 2006, Kay Deubner Fachbuch-Service
"VOV GmbH - New Additional Insurance Protects Risks in Solvency Crises – VOV Poice plus Crisis Management, AssCompact, October 2005 (Interview with Diederik M. Sutorius, Frau Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Nils R. Kuhlwein von Rathenow)
"The Duties of Disclosure of a Self-Employed Medical Practitioner with respect to the Receiver“ (Comment on the ruling of the Federal High Court of Justice of 17th February 2005, GesR, 2005, pp 368)
"Liability of the Receiver for a Liquidity Plan Set up by him“ (Comment on the ruling of the Federal High Court of Justice of 17th December 2004, NZI, 2005, pp 222)
"The Responsibilities of a Lawyer Specialized in Insolvency Law“, Karriereführer Recht, 3 May 2005
"The Ten Commandments for Executives and Managers of a GmbH", Berufsziel 01/05 Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22 January 2005
"Insolvency of Self-Employed Persons", Handelsblatt, 21 July 2004 (Interview)
"As Pilot on Board the Titanic – Restructuring Consultancy", Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Prof. Bernd Eckardt, Karriereführer Recht, 29 April 2004
The GmbH’s General Manager, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Prof. Bernd Eckardt/ 1st ed. 2004, Kohlhammer-Verlag
"The Inventory of the Insolvency Assets of a Doctor’s Practice“, GesR, 2003, pp 331
"Heading for Disaster without a Word", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 15, 2000; "The Restructuring Survey", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis Der Hausarzt, 16, 2000; "The Extrajudicial Reorganisation", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 17, 2000; "Reorganisation During Insolvency", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 18, 2000; "The Realisation of the Practice as part of the Insolvency Assets“, Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 19, 2000
"Blanket Assignments Unethical" (Comment on the judgment of the Federal High Court of Justice of 8th December 1998, NJW- Kassette 3/1999)
"Offsetting Against Community Debtor’s Claims Based on Receiving Order Unlawful", (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR, 1998, pp 379
"No Receiver’s Liability for Damages with Legal Proceedings Instituted without the Means to Satisfy possible Entitlements to Costs", (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR, 1997, pp 757
"No Provable Claims from Selling the Share in the Enterprise to the GmbH Acting as Common Debtor", (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR, 1997, pp 465
„No Effective GmbH Shareholder’s Contribution by Bank Transfer of the Total Amount with the stated Purpose ‘Deposit/Loan’”, (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR 1997, pp 115
“No Exclusion of the Right of Rescission Against Social Insurance Institutions being Preferential Creditors”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 1297
“The statutory duty of rehabilitating Land that has been Contaminated before the Institution of Bankruptcy Proceedings are Preferential Debts”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, p 1247
“Access to Records for Creditors in Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, WiB 1997, pp 1196
“The Institution of Bankruptcy and Comprehensive Execution Proceedings does not Cause an Interruption of the Separate Preservation of Evidence Procedure”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 924
“Escape Clause with respect to Surety Contracts that are partly Ineffective due to Formal Defects”, WiB 1997, pp 659
“The Voluntary Christmas Bonus of the Sole Shareholder in Bankruptcy Proceedings according to § 32 Nr. 1 KO Cannot be Excluded”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 591
“The Extension of the Right of Separate Satsfaction of Interest Claims”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 253
“Lodgment to the Benefit of the Receiver in Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 200
“Tri-Lateral Trust Confinement Proceedings of the Banks for Interim Financing in Passing Cases of Insolvency”, WiB 1997, pp 34.
“Certainty of a Money Claim a Prerequisite for the Maturity of a Settlement Claim”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1996, pp 254
“Ineffectiveness of a Coercive Collateral Mortgage Registered Before the Institution of Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1995, pp 797
“’Outright Delay of Creditors’ and ‘Close Persons’ as Understood in § 10 section 1 No 2 Ges0”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1995, pp 715
“Legal Action Against Defamation with respect to a Receiver’s Statement in his First Report to the Meeting of Creditors”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1995, pp 170
“The Effect of a Receiver’s Payment to the Holder of a Land Charge and his Claims for Reimbursement with respect to this Payment”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 958
“The Ineffectiveness of a Coercive Collateral Mortgage Come into Effect according to § 7 section 3 Ges0 Before the Institution of Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 923
“No Need of Hearing the Debtor Before Ordering Sequestration when the Debtor has already been Heard in the Petition in Bankruptcy Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 837
“§ 54 KO does not Apply in Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 793
“The Duty of the Former Manager of a GmbH to Give Affirmation in lieu of Oath in the Proceedings according to § 807 ZPO”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 743
Die Prozeßstandschaft auf der Beklagtenseite [Representative Action on the Part of the Defendant], Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer (doctoral thesis, 1992)