Publications | Dr. Christiane van Zwoll

see also Profile
see also Lectures
  • Inadmissibility of set-off by the national association of statutory health insurance physicians against outstanding claims for medical fees in line with § 96, par. 1, No. 1 (German) Insolvency Act, MedR, p. 29 et seqq, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • Selected problems of the medical practice in economic crisis and insolvency, ZMGR 06/2011, p. 364ff. , Dr. Christiane van Zwoll
  • Business-immigration to Germany - (Magazine Business) No. 1/2012. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • How can you prevent EHEC? - Food traceability. - (Magazine Business) No. 10/2011. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • Import of foods from other countries - (Magazine Business) No. 6-7/2011. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • Overindebtedness - What does that mean? - (Magazine Business) No. 5(84)/2011, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • The CEO of a GmbH - responsablity and liability! -To what the CEO of a GmbH has to pay attention to - (Magazine Business) No. 4/2011. Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • “Is my GmbH menanced by insolvency? How to recognise alarm signals in time!“, Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 7/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • “Foundation of an enterprise and residence permit for Germany“, Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 6/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • “Real estate and residence permit for Germany” Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 5/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "Purchase of Real Estate and Residence Permit", Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 2/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "1 € - GmbH" - the Law Came into Effect", Предприниматель (magazine entrepreneur) No 1/2009, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "Reformation of OOO(GmbH) - New Times for Founders!", Germany Contact 6/2008, Dr. van Zwoll
  • "New Times for Founders OOO", Русская Германия, No 50/651, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "European Residence Permit", Рейнская Газета, No 49/255, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
  • "European Residence Permit", Русская Германия, No 49/650, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
  • "Give Birth to Children? For Money only!", Русская Германия, No 48/649, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
  • "Give Birth to Children? For Money only!", Рейнская Газета No 48/254, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
  • "...The Command of the Language is a Must", Русская Германия, No 47/648, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
  • "...The Command of the Language is a Must", Рейнская Газета No 47/253, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Julia Barth
  • "Heating Costs - What are we Paying For?", Русская Германия, No 46/647, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "Heating Costs - What are we Paying For", Рейнская Газета No 46/252, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "We Can't be Fired", Русская Германия, No 45/646, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "We Can't be Fired", Рейнская Газета No 45/251, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "Modification of the GmbH – New Times for Founders", Impuls 05/2008, Dr. van Zwoll
  • "Contractual Agreements: Chances and Risks", Рейнское время , No 11/51, 2008, Dr. van Zwoll, Dimitri Schneider
  • "Insolvency – for Medical Practitioners, there are Ways Out of the Debt Trap", Ärzte Zeitung, 27 May 2008 (Interview)
  • "The Extrajudicial Insolvency Plan ", ZInsO 2008, pp 418
  • "Avoiding the Bailiff’s Seal ", Deutsches Ärzteblatt, September 2007, p 6
  • "Nothing Doing, No Joy ", DER LION 9/2007, pp 34
  • "Insolvency – The Sword of Damocles ", VentureCapital Magazin 7/2007, pp 38
  • "Insolvency of Doctor’s Practice Avoided by Professional Help ", Ärztliche Praxis, June 2007, p 18 (Interview)
  • Interview on the airport court ruling of the Düsseldorf District Court, in the ARD program "Brisant", 8 June 2007
  • Die Arztpraxis in Krise und Insolvenz/ [The Doctor’s Practice During Crises and Insolvency], by Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Vera Mai/ Prof. Dr. Bernd Eckardt/ Dr. Martin Rehborn, 1st ed.. 2007, RWS Verlag
  • "How Doctors Stay Safe from Insolvency ", Meditimes, June 2006, pp 24 (Interview)
  • "Non-solvency of the GmbH", GmbH-Chef, 2006, pp 16
  • Tax Advising During a Crisis in a GmbH/ by Prof. Bernd Eckardt/ Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Jan Anger/ Sebastian Harder, 1st ed 2006, Kay Deubner Fachbuch-Service
  • "VOV GmbH - New Additional Insurance Protects Risks in Solvency Crises – VOV Poice plus Crisis Management, AssCompact, October 2005 (Interview with Diederik M. Sutorius, Frau Dr. Christiane van Zwoll, Nils R. Kuhlwein von Rathenow)
  • "The Duties of Disclosure of a Self-Employed Medical Practitioner with respect to the Receiver“ (Comment on the ruling of the Federal High Court of Justice of 17th February 2005, GesR, 2005, pp 368)
  • "Liability of the Receiver for a Liquidity Plan Set up by him“ (Comment on the ruling of the Federal High Court of Justice of 17th December 2004, NZI, 2005, pp 222)
  • "The Responsibilities of a Lawyer Specialized in Insolvency Law“, Karriereführer Recht, 3 May 2005
  • "The Ten Commandments for Executives and Managers of a GmbH", Berufsziel 01/05 Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22 January 2005
  • "Insolvency of Self-Employed Persons", Handelsblatt, 21 July 2004 (Interview)
  • "As Pilot on Board the Titanic – Restructuring Consultancy", Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Prof. Bernd Eckardt, Karriereführer Recht, 29 April 2004
  • The GmbH’s General Manager, Dr. Christiane van Zwoll/ Prof. Bernd Eckardt/ 1st ed. 2004, Kohlhammer-Verlag
  • "The Inventory of the Insolvency Assets of a Doctor’s Practice“, GesR, 2003, pp 331
  • "Heading for Disaster without a Word", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 15, 2000; "The Restructuring Survey", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis Der Hausarzt, 16, 2000; "The Extrajudicial Reorganisation", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 17, 2000; "Reorganisation During Insolvency", Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 18, 2000; "The Realisation of the Practice as part of the Insolvency Assets“, Medical Practitioners in Financial Crisis, Der Hausarzt, 19, 2000
  • "Blanket Assignments Unethical" (Comment on the judgment of the Federal High Court of Justice of 8th December 1998, NJW- Kassette 3/1999)
  • "Offsetting Against Community Debtor’s Claims Based on Receiving Order Unlawful", (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR, 1998, pp 379
  • "No Receiver’s Liability for Damages with Legal Proceedings Instituted without the Means to Satisfy possible Entitlements to Costs", (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR, 1997, pp 757
  • "No Provable Claims from Selling the Share in the Enterprise to the GmbH Acting as Common Debtor", (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR, 1997, pp 465
  • „No Effective GmbH Shareholder’s Contribution by Bank Transfer of the Total Amount with the stated Purpose ‘Deposit/Loan’”, (Comment on a court judgment), EWiR 1997, pp 115
  • “No Exclusion of the Right of Rescission Against Social Insurance Institutions being Preferential Creditors”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 1297
  • “The statutory duty of rehabilitating Land that has been Contaminated before the Institution of Bankruptcy Proceedings are Preferential Debts”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, p 1247
  • “Access to Records for Creditors in Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, WiB 1997, pp 1196
  • “The Institution of Bankruptcy and Comprehensive Execution Proceedings does not Cause an Interruption of the Separate Preservation of Evidence Procedure”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 924
  • “Escape Clause with respect to Surety Contracts that are partly Ineffective due to Formal Defects”, WiB 1997, pp 659
  • “The Voluntary Christmas Bonus of the Sole Shareholder in Bankruptcy Proceedings according to § 32 Nr. 1 KO Cannot be Excluded”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 591
  • “The Extension of the Right of Separate Satsfaction of Interest Claims”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 253
  • “Lodgment to the Benefit of the Receiver in Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1997, pp 200
  • “Tri-Lateral Trust Confinement Proceedings of the Banks for Interim Financing in Passing Cases of Insolvency”, WiB 1997, pp 34.
  • “Certainty of a Money Claim a Prerequisite for the Maturity of a Settlement Claim”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1996, pp 254
  • “Ineffectiveness of a Coercive Collateral Mortgage Registered Before the Institution of Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1995, pp 797
  • “’Outright Delay of Creditors’ and ‘Close Persons’ as Understood in § 10 section 1 No 2 Ges0”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1995, pp 715
  • “Legal Action Against Defamation with respect to a Receiver’s Statement in his First Report to the Meeting of Creditors”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1995, pp 170
  • “The Effect of a Receiver’s Payment to the Holder of a Land Charge and his Claims for Reimbursement with respect to this Payment”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 958
  • “The Ineffectiveness of a Coercive Collateral Mortgage Come into Effect according to § 7 section 3 Ges0 Before the Institution of Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 923
  • “No Need of Hearing the Debtor Before Ordering Sequestration when the Debtor has already been Heard in the Petition in Bankruptcy Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 837
  • “§ 54 KO does not Apply in Comprehensive Execution Proceedings”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 793
  • “The Duty of the Former Manager of a GmbH to Give Affirmation in lieu of Oath in the Proceedings according to § 807 ZPO”, (Comment on a court judgment), WiB 1994, pp 743
  • Die Prozeßstandschaft auf der Beklagtenseite [Representative Action on the Part of the Defendant], Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer (doctoral thesis, 1992)

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